How to Learn PHP in one day 2019 Updated

how to learn php in one day
how to learn php in one day

Learn PHP in one day
Let us try to understand some basic functionality of PHP language which is quiet similar to c language.

Some of the syntax of c programming is similar to PHP therefore anyone who is familiar with C Language will feel very comfortable and easy to understand and learn PHP from basic to advance.

What is PHP Language?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor which is another famous scripting language which is commonly used as a server side scripting language.

PHP language these days are among highest used programming languages.

This language is used for developing static as well as dynamic websites also used for creating customized software desktop and online software.

Steps To learn PHP language in One day

  • Learn some basic programming used in C ,C++ and Python.
  • The basic syntax and logic used in above language as similar to PHP
  • Learn basic operators such as +,-,* ,/,% etc
  • Learn logical operators such as && (and),|| (or) and !(not equal to)
  • Increment and decrement operators such as ++,--
  • Assignment operators such =,+= ,-=,*=,/=,%= etc.
  • Comparison operators such as ==,>,<,>=,<=,!= etc

PHP if else statement
PHP if and else statement is similar to any other programming language around.
To learn this properly firstly we have understand the basic characteristics and functionality, syntax and logic used in if else statements.
If(some condition){
          Code to execute
Code to execute

 Nesting of if else

If(some condition){
          If(some condition){
          Code to execute
          Code to execute

LOOPS used in PHP language

There are 4 types of loop used in PHP language they are
  • while
  • Do while
  • for
  • foreach

While(some condition){
          Code to execute
For (init,condition,updation){
          Code to execute
Do while(some condition){
          Code to execute
foreach(array as value){
Code to execute

These are some basic programming concept to learn php with database connectivity you will firstly have to learn MYSQl database language and then you will be able to connect you programs to database and can store, retrieve and fetch data from database.

